Beta Start

Está Pronto Para Conseguir Investimento para a Sua Brilhante Ideia?

TechCrunch tem um excelente artigo sobre a arte de conseguir angariar investimento para a sua startup. Mesmo que não fique muito surpreendido com o conteúdo, se pensar um pouco, vai ficar surpreendido com o facto que a maioria que procura o sucesso, não o faz.

Beta Start

TechCrunch tem um excelente artigo sobre a arte de conseguir angariar investimento para a sua startup. Mesmo que não fique muito surpreendido com o conteúdo, se pensar um pouco, vai ficar surpreendido com o facto que a maioria que procura o sucesso, não o faz.

Aqui ficam as 7 perguntas:

  1. Existe um técnico que faça parte dos fundadores?
  2. Tem um demo?
  3. Já tem alguns clientes?
  4. Estão preparados para incluírem mais colaboradores?
  5. Já se livraram de outras obrigações?
  6. O seu negocio é suficientemente abrangente?
  7. Está disposto a dedicar a maioria do seu tempo na angariação de fundos?

Está ultima pergunta parece até ser a mais pertinente dado que quando investidores vieram dos Estados Unidos, através da iniciativa da Beta-i Silicon Valley Comes to Lisbon, todos foram unânimes a dizerem que nunca iriam investir nas startups Portuguesas que apresentaram o seu produto/serviço. Porquê? Porque a maioria tinha um emprego, e ninguém vai investir num fundador que não acredita o suficiente para largar o conforto do ordenado.

Para quem está interessado, pode agora concorrer para um dos lugares no Beta-i curso de acelaração.

Dear Entrepreneur,

Beta-i is happy to announce the next edition of Beta-start, which will be focus on Energy and Transports Startups.

Beta-start is an acceleration program from Beta-i designed to help early and seed stage entrepreneurs turning their ideas into a viable and successful business. Throughout the 5 weeks program entrepreneurs are challenged to improve their prototype and business model with the support of seasoning mentors, expert trainers and a collaborative and hands-on approach.

During the Beta-Start acceleration program entrepreneurs will be coach to present your idea to potential customers, partners, cofounders and investors.

Why are we focusing on Energy and Transport Startups?

We will also consider any good ideas from the internet, mobile and telecom areas but we think that if we can combine the power of the internet with creative ways to think on energy and transportation systems than we can create an exciting space for new startups to be born, and Lisbon in Portugal is just the right place. Do you know that Portugal has the most functional and popular automated tolling system in the world, now also being used for paying parking time and even gas at the station? Did you know that Portugal has days in which all the electricity comes from renewable sources? Did you know that Portugal has the most extensive electric car charging stations network in the world? These are all areas that are waiting for entrepreneurs to tap in, and create the next generation economy that will help us out of recession while creating a more sustainable and environmental friendly society.

We are looking for entrepreneurs with an international agenda that have ideas that will shake up the Energy and Transportation industries.

Why Beta-start?

We believe that this time we have surpassed ourselves, and we have crafted what we want to be the best accelaration intensive program focused on energy and transportation systems in Europe. We have partnered with the experts of leading universities like Instituto Superior Tecnico,  ISEL, and MIT Portugal, and we teamed with the most relevant players of the national eco-system, with companies like ANA Aeroportos, Galp, Brisa, ISA just to name a few, this way you’ll have access to the best networks and expertise to get your startup rolling on the right track.

What about costs?

Beta-start is a free program. Really. We only charge a 5% finders-fee in case you get investment via Beta-i. Check the terms and conditions at Beta-start website. All the participants at Beta-start are also eligible for a number of Beta-i activities including Silicon Valley comes to Lisbon Sessions in May, 10th.

Need help to stay in Lisbon for one month?

If you’re coming from outside Lisbon, we have created the Beta-Experience package that includes an integrated offer of a place to stay, an office desk, special discounts on plane and telecoms, and we’ve even bundled some typical Lisbon activities along with some surf classes so you keep in great shape!

Do you have an idea or do you know a friend that is willing to challenge the status quo?

Beta-start is waiting for you.


Disclaimer: já participei duas vezes como orador no Beta-Start – não tenho qualquer retorno financeiro desta iniciativa.

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